
Easter, Corona and Coffee

"I'm not alone. You are with me,
you are not exactly by my side,
but you are still there. That's why I dare."

Easter feels like our most liberating feast. Everything about this holiday feels like voluntary, so un-forced, so optional. You may eat chocolate, possibly salmon, but it is not a must. You can buy a double dajm or eat falafel. No Easter police will fine you. The vacancy comes when you suddenly feel light on the horizon, buds on the twig and small shoots that maybe, maybe start to grow in their indoor pot.

But this year is different. The whole world is on hold. We stay inside, we stay at home, we hold our breath, wash our hands and cough in the arm fold. We worry about our old ones, about our less equipped and our general health. We are afraid. Many who’s not infected by the virus itself feel worse than ever. Our small company has really found itself in a passive vacuum where neither hope, creativity nor inspiration has been given place. Where it has been impossible to think again and change. Just to change has provoked us, perhaps because we were incapable. In the Forgotten Fairground book, Penny is afraid of the Mountain but refuses to give up. She notes that “… fear breaks all courage” and it feels more true than ever, but at the same time she says “… I’m not alone. You’re with me, you’re not exactly by my side, but you are yet there. That’s why I dare.

In some quirky way, it still feels good that we go through this collectively. We are all in the same boat. In one way or another. Together. It somehow feels more manageable.

So we took a mental break from declining numbers, distressing messages and did what we like most. Painted and re-furnished. It has a mental effect on us. Like, at the same time, we also re-furnish inside our heads to create new gaps. Creative gaps. We moved one cabinet and painted another. In the middle of the mixing colors an idea of ​​the Easter eggs was born. Who could have expected it to lie there and tease?

– Please Malin, you can paint some yellow flowers that we can put on each other, as a 3D effect. And maybe a mini of the fine hare from the Hello Miss Julia motif?
– Of course I can, says Malin, always just as spontaneously open to all my ideas.
– Would like to have a nice bird that we can use with Sparrow from the tattoos?
“I have one in my head,” says Malin and hurries to the watercolors while I pick up the glue gun.

And in the middle of everything, a package came. From Svanfeldts Coffee. David and Ditte, who together created Beans & Brains – a coffee concept that does good by donating part of the revenue and to various do-gooders, the first collaboration is the Swedish Hjärnfonden, which we are incredibly proud of. We already know them since when we created Miss Della where SEK 25 per poster goes to the Hjärnfonden. And now we had the opportunity to taste her amazing contribution with coffee that does good. Love such initiatives. You go!

And so these. Super-glorious bauta cups. Just what you need now, a giant cup of coffee or tea. And SEK 5 per sold cup Hjärnfonden’s important work. You get really, really happy when lovely people manage to sew together a neat, smart and incredible good concept.  Yeay!