A mystery in winter attire in rhyme aimed at children aged 3-7 years and offers a fabulous combination of poetic language and iconic watercolor paintings. In the book’s 32 pages we follow the sisters Betty and Bibi. Bibi is a clever detective who runs her small office in an attic. When their friend the cat Pierre suddenly disappears, they seek help from Bibi’s ability to solve mysteries with a magic crystal. It leads them on a sparkling winter adventure through a town filled with secrets, charm and surprises.

The book takes the reader through snow-covered streets where every turn offers something new – from encounters with colorful characters like Madame Owl and Mr. Fox, to unexpected twists that tickle the imagination.
But let’s stop at the age thing. When we’re at fairs, markets and various pop-up places, we always get asked what age the book is aimed for. It’s a perfectly reasonable question, of course, but also a very difficult one. We usually answer like this.

It depends entirely on the child’s development and maturity, on the child’s ability to absorb text and images, on the child’s habit of listening and reading, on the child’s taste and liking. But the bookstore wants us to categorize and that is of course helpful. Our book is in the 3-6 year category, but we have been taught that rhyme is exemplary to read when starting to practice reading.
Why Read on Rhyme:
– It strengthens phonological awareness, children learn to hear and recognize sound patterns.
– Improves memory, rhyme and rhythm make the text easier to remember.
– Enriches vocabulary, new words are introduced in a playful context.
– Makes reading more fun, rhythm and rhyme create engagement and flow.

This is not just a story about finding a lost friend. Bibi, the clever detective is also a celebration of sisterhood, friendship and the little magical moments in everyday life. Through humor, french words and warmth, the book shows how joy can sometimes be found just where we least expect it – perhaps even in a hat shop or under a lonely bridge.
We have more books in rhyme:
Sixten, the friendly key master
Who am I
Gertrud, the little costume designer

Do you want to know how it all started – The book about Bibi? Read more in this previous blog post.
All beautiful photos are taken by Jasmina Bylund.