
Universe tell us what to wear

This morning we returned into the office after a few hours of sleep. Both in blue dresses. It happens so often that it now feels like our thing. To match. Only a couple of hours of sleep is based on something that started as a really bad idea that now feels so exciting that we almost overflow. We have to leave the subject directly because otherwise everything will bubble out of us like a rushing Niagara.

I remember saying it like a bit of a joke, like; “we squeeze it in before Christmas” … But the joke never landed like fun, instead it  remained airy fairy … and all of a sudden we had started to cook soup on little less time. Hence sleep detox, but we intend to take back lost time with the pillow, the book and the children. Not necessary in that order of priorities.

"This long-awaited thing was as amazing as it was on the wish list."

Our baby-boy, Frasse. He even has his own chair at the office.

Let’s spend a moment on this fantastic dress from ditto FGL store. I do not remember how long it had a steadfast place on the wish list and now it is used extensively. The beauty of consumption. When you wait for a long time, be sure you really want the piece and then get the confirmation that this long-awaited thing was as amazing as it was on the wish list. Win.

Bringing home new products can be top-three the most satisfactory. Things you plan for behind a screen for such a long time that finally becomes a physical product. Expectations meet reality. Sometimes with mixed results, of course. But always with maximum emotions. We have cried (of happiness), cried (of despair), but also laughed (Lord God, how else would it look?).
You know, the Mrs Mighetto team, they cry all the time.. (kind of true).

Yesterday came the tattoos, they suppose to be launched with the Ocean Kids collection, Oct 10th. One of our all darling products. Production can also be top-three the most frustrating thing when it comes to timing. Delays, delays, delays are the opposite of the housing market to location. location, location. Not crucial.

"Temporary tattoos is for everybody."

However, our loved ones are here. The tattoos. Available in store from next week. All the kids in our neighborhood love them. Guys like girls. From small to older. But the fact is that we have a lot of adult customers as well. They look so real. We put it on the eggs for Easter, on ladders, we usually pimp the computer. Sky is the limit. You name it.

Another week has passed. Time flies, my grandmother always said. She was kind and wise. She had thousands of clips earrings, turned 98 and now we say the same thing. Every week. On repeat. Time flies!

One thing that had made Grandma happy is our lunches. We often eat the same base. Always vego. Prio on simple, practical and good. Sitting down, taking the time to cook (although fast) is important. We very rarely makes exceptions from that treasure habit.

The all-days-of-the-week favorite Banira Wood scented candles from our friends Malin & Anna at Quod.

Fast lunch on the base feta cheese, tortilla, nuts and kale. Add pears, crème fraîche and fresh thyme. Salad with fried Brussels and cabbage. French vinaigrette. Voilà!

The kitchen, where most of Mrs Mighetto happened before we got the “office” (or garage, or studio, or the cave … etc).

Think a lot about this forum. How should the blog sound, in what shape, what content? We let it fly freely for so long. So liberating sometimes not to land everything in strategy and concept. If you have thoughts about what you like to see more of, read more about, so please tell us here or on insta. It makes us happy.

Malin & Anna