October 10th started without a cup of coffee and instead with a cup of tea in the tea room of Svenskt Tenn, upstairs in the store on Strandvägen 5. We had morning tea and more with a striking view over Nybroviken in Stockholm. Well, what can I say, I love my home town. Everything in the tea room is made with organic ingredients and the menus are seasonal to ensure the best of winter, spring, summer and autumn.
But this morning we had so much more than organic breakfast.

According to our favorite way to start the day we started with hugs. My daughter always says, “when you close your eyes it is for real”. This is how we hug darling Elin (Studio Elwa) and dito Jasmina. For real.

Speaking of for real. Klimatklubben is an incredibly cool and inspiring club, and it is for everyone. Klimatklubben was founded by Emma Sundh, Maria Soxbo and Johanna Nilsson (not in this picture) in the fall of 2018. They share sustainable tips in large and small, they find ways to put pressure on companies and politicians, they push the change for both themselves and others , they sow seeds for new peoples movements and drive opinion with the climate in focus.
In short. They are superheroes and we are so proud to know them.
A few times every year they invite to klimat-frukost. This time focus was on Kids and environment. The Next generation. This morning they arranged the breakie in collaboration with Hyber – a tailor-made rental service for products with long durability and a short service life. “Our mission is to create confidence in circular rental so that more children can grow up with quality and at the same time do the environment a favor.” Brilliant Olivia Beke Rothshild- funder of Hyber. Also we got to listen to incredible brilliant Katarina Graffman- fil Dr i cultural Anthropology (I think is the name) and Therese Lindahl from Beijerinstitutet.

What a power morning!! Notes from my phone during the morning (below) was mostly thoughts about shaming and worries about the next generation.
– Inspire rather than shame
– Help each other getting better. This is a common goal not a competition.
– Be open with the challenges … we are certainly a target for the same challenges and we can save time (and move faster) by sharing clever solutions.
– Be nice! The shame culture is bad, it only creates passivism and negativity.
– Don’t put all hope on the next generation, it creates climate anxiety and has the opposite effect.
– Changing norms and habits is a very effective way of creating change, improvement. And be a better role model to the next generation ex. buy second hand gifts (it’s ok), change views of more siblings (why two should be better than one), do something different at holidays that put consumption first, see different alternatives to buying new (exchange, rent, lease) discuss alternative ways of traveling rather than forbid (“it can be excited to take the train” instead of “we must not fly”).
Thank you Klimatklubben for inviting us!
All photos by Caroline Solberg.