The circus has been reinforced. Two girls have joined us and it feels like they have belonged with us like forever. Miss Astrid and Miss Klara. Launched today as a surprise before Christmas.
…Astrid has the invisible power to conjure up and spread imagination. The higher she swings, the further her power reaches. Before Astrid’s eyes, her flowing imagination streams out like stars. Small glittering stars. But these stars are not visible to all. Because imagination works on a higher plane – beyond the reach of normal sight – and helps us learn new things. Astrid knows that she can never stop swinging because it takes so much imagination to evoke magical worlds.
…The little drummer can be heard far and wide. No sooner has the circus pitched the Big Top, then Klara marches in. She appears as if from nowhere. Her drum can be heard from miles around. It calls to the lonely, the outcast and the abandoned. And only those who need it can hear the bang of her drum. Boom, boom, boom. Klara’s performance helps attract new members to the circus, and in the fullness of time, to change their lives.
The Posters measure 50×70 cm. Limited edition, when it’s sold out, it is sold out forever and ever.
Please find our list of retailers here.
Ni gör helt fantastiska tavlor! Och tapeten… Älskar den ! Jag måste ha allt i Mrs. Mighetto.. sängkläder, barnkläder, dockor, leksaker, porslin.. listan kan göras lång! Jag älskar er konst !!
Blir så kär i era tavlor har redan två från cirkus kollektionen och vi väntar spännande till dotterns födelsedag på en från den nya skogs kollektionen! Men nu till min fråga, de där "m:et" vart har ni köpt det eller det är något ni gjort kanske? Hade velat ha ett sådant på dotterns rum ✨